Helping an investor from vision to business operations – a Stickybit reference case
Stickybit has delivered a complete architecture for a new business developed during 2015 targeting the US market. This is a project we are very proud of for two reasons. First, the acheivement in and of itself. Secondly, the project represents the end to end delivery capacity our company possesses. We really know how to take care of your business.
We participated from the concept stage where the main investors laid out their vision. We laid down all the frameworks for creation, development and deployment needed to fulfill the vision, effectively bootstrapping the entire project.
- We created the architecture, design and wrote the Operations Manuals and all hand-over documentation.
- We designed the information models and API Interaction between services.
- We also stitched up the tool chain driving the continuous deployment work flow for all the MicroServices that made up the business logic. The development environment for the MicroServices is built up from Ansible, Docker, git, Jenkins, NodeJS,AngularJS, scripting.
- The entire environment runs from Docker containers delivered from private Docker hub. This were before the Kubernetes and server less days, remember 😉
- We designed and delivered a Social validation strategy for sifting out the most attractive digital content to targeted end users.
We made the service scalable with load, based on AWS with EC2, S3, Route53, RDS, SQS, Cloudwatch and Beanstalk. We did all Technical project leadership for the entire development phase up until first release and we supported all the development units that participated in the development team.
An important part of our architecture required a strategy for monitoring all API:s. Obviously for scalability and stability reasons but also for support to the business models that converge to counting hits on calls to our services.
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